Samstag, Juli 11, 2009

How to dump protected WMV streams from Arte+7

Tested with VLC 0.9.9 and FlashGet

  1. Go to the Arte+7 website that contains the video stream you want to download.

  2. View the source code of the website.

  3. The streams are offered as Flash and WMV videos with medium and high quality. We want WMV, so search for “WMV” and copy the HTTP-URL of the high quality file (HQ).

  4. availableFormats[2] = new Object();
    availableFormats[2]["format"] = "WMV";
    availableFormats[2]["quality"] = "HQ";
    availableFormats[2]["url"] = "
    availableFormats[2]["fileId"] = "2749622";
    availableFormats[2]["trackingUri"] = "/de/detailPage/2745032,templateId=...";

  5. Open the HTTP-URL that you just copied with VLC. (Media > Open Network...)

  6. When the video is playing, go to "Tools > Media Information..." and copy the link shown at the bottom where it says "Location". It should begin with "mms://..."

  7. The video must keep playing in VLC, because otherwise the playback session will be invalidated.

  8. Now open FlashGet and download the MMS-URL you retrieved from VLC.

  9. After the FlashGet download starts, you can stop the VLC playback. The download will finish just fine.

In your face, Arte!

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